This virtual workspace aims to explore collaboratively an artistic, theoretical and methodological framework with regards to new media art and art archives.
We will focus on translating previous archival content into new media, aim reached through:
Identifying research questions: Can an artistic archive be participative and multisensory? Can a digital archive user act at the same time as an archivist?
Exploring the activity and exchanging good practices of artistic and archival case-studies by artists, collectives, institutions worldwide;
Introducing the notion of the Commons and the Archive as a platform where the sensible is re-distributed
Investigating the creative potential of improvising and performing the archive in order to articulate artistic interventions:
We wish to collaborate with the participants in order to exchange good practices and to produce artistic and theoretical dialogue. Participants will be invited to create new works of art, based on art archives by Medea Electronique, or other archives that they will suggest. The artistic experimentation, follows an exploratory approach for understanding the creative potential of these processes/interventions and seeks for originality and innovation, demonstrating and supporting value creation for academic, artistic, and other communities.